
By dailykeith

Taking a stand

I've been in London over the past few days with my wife, staying with our friends Sandra and Rob.at their new home in Ealing.

Today, we were due to return home to Wales, but had just enough time to join the march in support of refugees. And what a march it was!

We arrived at Hyde Park half an hour before the start time and I was worried the turnout might be disappointing. But it was amazing how, in no time at all, the numbers multiplied. 

Suddenly Park Lane was completely taken over, leaving cars stranded in an ocean of humanity. The march then took over Piccadilly, and so many people were involved it took well over an hour for it to pass through. I've read that up to 100,000 people took part.

It was very moving seeing so many people supporting those desperate refugees seeking a safe haven from war and terror. It was good to have the opportunity to take part.

In my photo are my wife Dorothy (left), Sandra and Rob in Hyde Park in the early stages of the demonstration.

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