A Matthew A Day

By MatthewAndMummy


A rainy morning didn't deter us from heading out to a kids adventure park in the woods near Wroxham. Drizzle when we arrived at the station there had turned into pretty persistent rain on the short cycle ride but we had our waterproofs and for quite a while we had the place almost to ourselves and were pretty sheltered under the trees anyway.

Matthew was *just* over the 92 cm limit for getting in free but that did mean he was big enough for pretty much everything but the big zip wires. And they had come up with a genius smaller version with a toddler swing seat on the bottom so he could ride without having to hang on and that kept him amused for ages.

We had a really good time and it brightened throughout the day - which was handy when we ended up sitting on the grass in the car park fixing a puncture when it was time to leave. Still despite some frustrations we got it done and didn't lose too much time and with a brief nap had an only slightly grumpy evening.

Technically we have the cottage until Monday morning but I need to be back at work so we shall head home tomorrow instead. Holidays with toddlers are hard work but it's been fun :)

Anyway would recommend to anyone vaguely in the area with kids in the 3-10 sort of age range.

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