Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Gandalf Country

It's funny sometimes how the Blip day works out and today was a good example.
We get up and off we go to replicate one of the shots The Boss got yesterday. Same gloom, same lighting but a different cast of ? ....and back home to set it up. It was a busy afternoon and after lunch we are back in Suzz and away.... Still away....Away a bit more and by now we are over the Red Bridge (local landmark) and still going and I confess I was relieved when we went down a farm drive and The Boss disappeared to do computer things with B and A. So a nice zzz in Suzz and on the way back this happened and THIS time he had a camera. Woohoo! (Thanks to Homer)
Oh That's the Roy Range which is right behind the township of Wanaka but this late in the day (5.00 pm) the town underneath was actually clear.
A bit bigger please

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