Spider domestic!

First weekend of the new term today, and boy was I ready for it! 
After a nice lazy start, I decided to go for a quick trip to Bury hill and call in at Kithurst hill on the way home. 
While I was at Bury hill looking at the grasshoppers, I noticed these two spiders having a bit of a domestic! I think it was a case of he fancied an early night, and she wanted a meal out! but whatever was going on he only just escaped with his life!
Male spiders looking to mate with females approach the female in the web very carefully 'drumming' on the web to gain her attention as they do so. This is all done very, very slowly and cautiously because if he puts a leg wrong.....he's a nice tasty meal! 
At the point I took this shot, he was just about to touch the female, and hopefully mate with her, sadly she had other ideas an a second later lunged at him!! at first I thought he was her lunch, but then I noticed he had leapt off the web on a bungee silk line and was hanging waiting to try it all again - brave soul! If you look very carefully at the shot you can just see his bungee line coming from his rear end.
After all this drama I needed a rest, so I went for a very quick trip to Kithurst hill to see the Common lizards that bask on the posts there, and I have included a very sweet picture of an adult and baby face to face! The adult is a female, you can tell by her stripy markings and I think the baby is a male, as he is more spotty and a lovely greenish colour! 
If I was being really wistful, I could call it 'mother and Son'...but i think it more likely it was just two lizards sharing a post!

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