Up town

Mr H headed for Dunfermline via the opticians while I went up to the allotment; as soon as I arrived it started raining, so I just topped up the bird feeder, picked the crop of courgettes and a measly few green beans and left again. Then I popped over to the market on Dock Place which was very quiet (probably weather-related), so I tried to buy a little something from all of the food suppliers at least.

I met D at the station on his return (we shan't mention the football) and we went up to the High Street to meet up with Shandonner and bignoniodes. We had some food and then managed a pint before D was overwhelmed by tiredness and the bug he brought back from Blackburn. The very enjoyable blether ranged over the Corbyn bros, changing work prospects, blip-gossip and beyond.

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