Lobsters, hares & hounds

I did my usual cycle to West Wemyss and back this morning. It's not "usual" enough, judging by my waistline.

"Must try harder".

I left early - about 8.30 - hoping I might be spared any madness from ignorant dog owners. (This is a regular problem in shared spaces like the parks and coastal path, no matter how slowly and carefully I approach them).

It worked. Plenty of dog walkers around, but all courteous.

I did have some fun with the runners from the local athletic club instead - good natured and friendly I should add.

They all go out on a 6 miler at that time on a Sunday using the same route as me. Two of them were about the same pace as me - they were faster on the steps (I have to carry my bike) and on the rougher ground. I was faster on the flat.

End result - having to give way to each other every 5 minutes! 

I got the best of the day too. The rain started as I was making lunch.

The Blip is the pier at West Wemyss. The hoist is new. Not brand new, but new to West Wemyss. There must be money in the lobster business.

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