Anniversary walk (Day 129)

A year ago today, Kayte and I went for a walk along the beach at Skaill. We followed the shore up to the cairn at the top of the hill. Views stretched over a huge area of the West Mainland. I have no idea if Kayte knew that I clutched a ring in my pocket or not. If she had an inkling she didn't let on. We looked a the view and we watched the dogs play. I calmed my nerves and was on the brink of asking the question when an acquaintance appeared from nowhere. He was eager to make small talk about the weather, the dogs, the view and a million other things. Eventually he wandered off. As he disappeared from view, I made my move. I asked Kayte to marry me. She said yes.
It is strange to think it was a whole year ago. It seems like yesterday, but so much has happened. We have wasted little time in the last year and Kayte and I are now in the 129th day of our honeymoon. I love her more each day.
It seemed fitting that we return to Skaill today to enjoy the views and share the memories. Despite the blustery wind, it was the perfect place to be. Big skies, a massive beach and strong sunshine.

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