Mine eyes unto the hills..

Back in the UK, so lucky to love where I live so so much.
A lazy day, 6 (comparatively) flat miles with C&P, with the added loveliness of a coffee stop at a good friend's house, though it felt a little odd not to be carrying a rucksack or to have cheese & saucisson for lunch.
As we wandered back along the empty lanes and bridleways the Howgills looked fantastic, their rounded whaleback mounds as ever casting shadows under a brooding sky - I knew this would be today's blip so took one on every setting little camera has to offer, a quick vote (Pushka abstained & there were no £3 last minute entries) decided this was the pick of the bunch.
An afternoon spent harvesting veggies, laughing and relaxing - I hope everyone in blipland has had a lazy Sunday too.

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