At Last

By 8

Well... Blet my Sloe

What's wrong with you?
(see little brother Barry in extra)
Had a great day treating my little bro to a birthday lunch.
But the best fun was afterwards. He's a keen forager and E admitted to knowing where there were some sloes. Barry was keen to do some collecting - despite his best bib and tucker - and we did indeed manage over four pounds of what we thought at first, were sloes.
On returning home we doubted some of them because of their size and after due consultation with the oracle (google) and Barry's courageous taste testing. the larger ones turned out to be Bullaces... a new one on me.
If you want your tongue defuzzed - suck on a bulllace!
Barry, I salute your bravery.
All in the sake of research - and the promise of some sloe (or bullace gin 12 months down the line.)
And the bletting?
See link below - all will become clear.

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