I've been serendipitised - AGAIN.

Small being name of Oscar Bobby was Christened today. For a Christening 40+ miles away it was at a decidedly unGodly hour: in consequence we were urged to at least "come over for the Crack" (Never having heard of, or seen this funny item called "Craic", I go; as invited - for the crack.)
N.B. Spill Chucker accepts "Crack" & turns its nose up @ "Craic".
Anway - Herslf decided we'd set off by sacrificing the 2nd cuppa & stop off at Cockermouth "Garden Centre" for a brew.
Due to a comms. breakdown we, very nearly went to the wrong locality. Fortunately we got sorted B4 arrival.
I walked in with a sarky crack about all the staff sitting doing nothing (As you do) and was told they were Squirrel watching.
It was sort of 1/2 tame in that it didn't move when I went for Gaffer's camera: and very kindly kept returning and posing for me.
Makes a change from the pesky American Tree-rats we saw while down country.
Since the event is none repeatable I'll just do a sneaky slip in of a couple of mementos.

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