
Olivia had her last ballet lesson today so parents were invited into the class to watch. O was really focussed for the first ten minutes and I could really see an improvement since we were last allowed into the class. However, it soon became a bit too much for her, with both Mummy and Daddy watching, and the silliness started. She has a habit of hitching her skirt up to her armpits to make the other children laugh. She still managed to dance quite well but we had to try and hide our giggles so as not to encourage her!
I managed to get some lovely photos of her looking very elegant and jumping beautifully (well in my eyes anyway) but I keep coming back to this one as her teacher is in the background and even though O looks a little tired I still like the angle.

Other news: Dexter woke up in a beautiful chatty mood this morning and actually wanted to eat for the first time in days! Hurrah and thanks for your well wishes, x

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