Lali's World

By Lali


When I walk past this spot on my way to work I always wonder who wrote the word "poet" in such a random place and why... Your guess is as good as mine...

this is the only photo I took today. The weather was pretty uninspiring for photos, cold, grey and wet.

Work was busy due to the bad weather and we were a bit short-staffed, so not a great day. Feeling really tired now.

Good news is that my bank has accepted my insurance claim for my mobile phone screen damage and I only had to pay an excess of £30, which is better than the £200 the repair was gonna cost me. I don't think I'll get it back before I go to Barcelona, though. We'll see... In the meantime I'm functioning with an old mobile phone with a cloned sim card in it. Not great, but better than nothing. At least I can reply to calls and messages.

I'm off tomorrow but I have to get up early for an appointment with the dentist. I have lots of stuff to catch up with on top of sending my mobile phone to be repaired. Let's hope I managed some time for myself... wishful thinking...

Thanks very much for your lovely comments, stars and hearts. I'm trying to catch up with you slowly. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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