Life's Too Short

By MRuddle


One exam left! Chemistry today was good. There were a few awkward questions but on the whole I think it went well.

You may all be asking: What's that funny line going across the picture? I will tell you. That little streak of light is the international space station. Cool or what? If you see it in the sky it appears to be just a star apart from one thing; it moves. Fast. At about the speed of a plane. You wont be able to see it every night though as it isn't in the same place at the same time every day and you can only see it just after sunset or just before sunrise as it is very close to the earth and easily falls into the shadow. At the moment though the factors are all aligned and a spate of lovely weather means that last night and tonight and maybe tomorrow as well it is visible. If you are cool like me and want to keep an eye on it's location then this is a good website to use.

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