I got wood.

Over a year ago we had a disaster on one of our jobs and a whole newly laid floor of lovely and expensive endgrain oak parquet had to be pulled up and thrown away. Ever the scavanger, (and penny pincher)I saw an oportunity for replacing the tatty limestone floor in our kitchen with a luxury product I'd never normally be able to afford.
Only trouble was the original had come in prepared 2 foot by 1 foot sheets but after being unceremoniously ripped up, I was left with 25 or so rubble bags of individual pieces 1inch by 3. Since ruining the rear suspension of the car getting the bags home, and filling up the back room, I have been painstakingly reconstructing the sheets. I am about a fifth of the way through the first part of the job and every time I get on with the job I question my sanity.
The picture is of the back of the wood just before I glue on a mesh to hold it together, before you think, 'why did he bother it looks crap'.

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