Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Oak apples

Earlier today Spouseman spotted these Oak apples, so a little later on I photographed and blipped them. Wikipedia says that Oak apples range in size between 2 and 5cm, although these are about a fifth of that. But given that there is something in the region of 360 different species of gall wasps in Europe, one might expect a greater range in size than just the ones known to the wiki contributor.

After that I went out to buy some ferry tickets and when I returned Spouseman pointed out to me a whole wall of spiders' webs catching the sunlight. Aha! I thought, I'll get them instead and change my blip. But the little camera was nowhere to be found! Eek! It must have been in the top of my bag and removed while I was buying the tickets! I phoned the ticket shop. Yes they had my camera. They were about to close but it will still be there waiting for me tomorrow. So sadly no shimmering spiders' webs but very happily no lost camera. I am so happy to live in a place where people don't just nick stuff. :-)

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