The Wishing Tree

I got into work this morning with a couple of things  on my mind that I knew had to be picked up and completed.  I got in only to find out that my boss had picked them both up last night.  He is far too efficient, but I think he was under some pressure from his boss.  Work was full of ups and downs today and I was glad when I was on the train home.  I was less glad when I picked BB up from after school club as he was very grumpy – and I knew we had an evening of homework ahead.

While he has applied himself to his homework (sums, hand writing, reading and cello) – I am feeling totally stressed out now, mostly by just having to  keep telling him to get on with it. My biggest wish is that school will teach him to tell the time  as he has absolutely no concept of time.  His friends are exactly the same – as his class has never been taught properly at school.  I mentioned it to his teacher last year, who was very surprised by my request. 

TT has some Chinese visitors at work and is dining with them tonight. 

Here is the wishing tree from our local park.  The sign says, tie a ribbon, make a wish.  I wish............that BB (and his friends) could tell the time!


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