Wet Wednesday

So day 2 of full day at school for C and drop off went well through the drizzle, so far he seems very keen to stay and get on with the business of playing - we'll see how that continues though.

It feels very strange him being there all day long and it will take some getting used to before it feels right. I keep thinking I need to pick him up at 1pm.

R had her final set of injections at 20 wks, she did really well and after a few errands, lunch and a visit from the health visitor it was time to go back to school, The heavens opened and our resources for wet weather pick up were tested! R was very happy and C loved scooting through the puddles, just me then!...

So C's favourite thing outside at school today: the go-carts
Favourite thing inside at school: the toilets
Couldn't make it up!

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