Gin And Juice

I've picked some sloes for sloe gin and this is how you make it.

Buy a litre bottle of decent gin and tip half into a large glass. Drink it as you work.

Pick a couple of slow handclaps, sorry slow hands of, sorry, handfuls of sloes.

Drink more gin. Frick the sloes with a pork. Alternt alienate  OR, frut in peezer for half an hour to skin the bursts. Make sure gin is shtill ko ok.

Slink more gin.

Bake the tottle and bot up tottle with the fricked or pozen slews sloes.

Way out a cup  coupel 2 onces of Shergar  shoegear sugar. Badd to tobble.
 Make shoor gin ish still ok.

Shove it all a good gake.

Cool in a cool place.

Shtrain throo coffin paper, coffee paper.

Drink   yourself  under the table  at the table at Crishmus.

Lood guck

Bingle Jells

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