Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Daddy Dog...

Ida's been getting up at 5am since contracting chicken pox. Nice.

Poor Arlo's been woken up at the same time and struggled to get back to sleep, so by 9am on Father's Day he was absolutely champing at the bit to get into the bedroom to wake up his Daddy to give him presents (a new mug, some socks, a picture with the word 'Daddy' written on it, some dangly, sparkly picture things the both made at nursery and a cute card with hamsters with googly eyes on it).

Right after the present opening ceremony and the resultant 'low' that everybody gets when all the presents have been ripped open and examined, Arlo decided to emulate one of the assault courses on the new to us programme - Total Wipeout.

He stood on one arm of our (rather long) sofa, psyched himself up and wiggled about a bit (like they do on the show) and then LEAPT the full length of the sofa, shouting 'I made itttttttttttttt' before crashing to the other end of the sofa, smacking his forehead off the very edge of the arm at the opposite end. He's never screamed so hard in all his life - of that I can completely verify - and when I ran through and picked him up, the lump on his head grew in a comedy cartoon style till it was like a massive knobbly knee.

Ooft. Got a bit freaked out but after he'd calmed down the swelling went down a bit leaving a huge bruise but not much more.

Didn't even stop him leaping around the place like a maniac!

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