Abstract liquid

For once the only tweaking I've done for Abstract Thursday is a little cropping. From the extra you can see where I found it and what it is - common or garden washing-up liquid.

I say goodbye to Bingo later today as his mistress travels home from Orkney. He has been much more sociable than usual this time, letting me join him in the sun-lounge without stalking off. Or maybe he's just getting lazier...

Shuna's human, J, popped in this morning for a blether, knowing that I was due to leave today. Her health remains precarious, but she has an admirable stoicism. She admitted feeling quite down recently, then remembered that a year ago all she'd wanted was to get out of hospital, which she did, so she gave herself a talking-to and pulled herself back up, which can't be easy when you're in constant pain and your organs are slowly packing up.

I thought Bingo was looking quite kittenish in his farewell photo.

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