And the bride wore... trainers?

Were these two people were really getting married today, or were they just models posing for a brochure? It just seemed odd that they were having their photos taken on the Royal Mile at 8:20 in the morning, there were no guests in sight, and the bride was wearing trainers. I wish them well, whatever!

I met my class today. It's much smaller than last semester, there's not a single mature student in the group, and they are all very quiet. This is quite a contrast from the cheeky bunch from 2014/15. I hope I can liven this lot up before too long.

The big news of the day, however, is that I accepted an invitation to be interviewed live on Radio Scotland tomorrow morning at 11:30am. The topic is women in computing. Do listen in, if you can. Remember that if you are not in Scotland, you can still tune into Radio Scotland over the Internet as programmes are broadcast.

Exercise today: long morning running loop, sit-ups, weights, walk to work (12,534 steps).

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