
By Lenore

Friday afternoon chat

I was home alone today - the second time since arriving here nearly three months ago.  And to think I used to live alone and would fill my days with all kinds of things having learnt early on that if you didn't organise things, you didn't see people.  Now a days, time alone is a rarity and to be cherished.  When I say alone, I mean me, Alex and then the staff, so not exactly alone.   However, realising that they could have an easy day, the staff kept a pretty low profile most of the day. 

Dirk had a farmers meeting early morning - so I had a lie-in (until 7.30 - lie-in's used to be an awful lot later than that once upon a time!).  Errands today included collecting three drums of molasses for the cattle and once again not collecting fly-screens for our rooms as they still aren't ready (but always promised to be ready in a few days).  Just, so, frustrating. 

The boy is still evading sleep during the day and instead cat naps for about 20 minutes, before waking and wanting entertaining.  It was, without a doubt, time for Daddy entertaining by the time he arrived back - and there was one happy Daddy who shook off his grubby day in town with some time with the boy.  Happy, happy all round. 

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