
A full week of school - DONE! Phew! Well done Asha - you're a star!

A lovely day with the in-laws...we're packing a 2 week holiday into 2.5 days! Things we've covered today are;
- coffee & pastries.
- walk in the countryside.
- coffee overlooking 'heaven's gate' - rock formations out to sea.
- ALL went to Asha's school to get her.
- bus to Santa Eularia.
- handmade ice cream.
- boat trip back to Ibiza Town.
- walk through the Old Town.
- Sunset from the top of the OT.
- steak in an AMAZING little french restaurant in Sa Penya.
- shots.
Tired.com, but happy!
See extras for a group shot of us, plus a pretty snail from our countryside walk this morning!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Lovely times with N&B reliving lovely memories and creating new ones.
2) A stunning sunset.
3) Asha's first week at school going so well - am immensely proud of her. Feel a bt for her though, I asked if she plays with the other children, to which she replied 'no, they're all busy playing with each other.'...sob!!! (the 'sob' was me, she's v matter of fact about it)...hoping and praying they'll make room for her...

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