Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Look lively!

Ahoy there!  Cap'n John here.  Avast, me hearties, today be International Talk Like A Pirate Day!  This day be your chance to splice the mainbrace with a fine helping of grog, and parly with your mates like a Pirate.  But shiver me timbers, if it ain't time to run the Jolly Roger up the flagpole and make haste for the Spanish Main and collect some treasure!  So look smartly, me beauties; there's a hornpipe to be danced!  Arrrrrr!

* Translation for those who don't speak Pirate:

Hello; John here.  Stop and listen for a moment because today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day.  It's a chance for you to share a drink and a chat with your friends.  Surprisingly, it's now time to drive to the supermarket to stock up on a few things.  So you'd better be quick; there's dancing later.  OK?

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