
By SophieCD

Building a nest

This week I though why did I get to be such into photography? And I realize it's because it's so fascinating to create something, analyzing it and learn from it. The process of getting better and learn new technics is so appealing and fun! Thanks to the technology, the trial and error makes the self teaching way much easier and faster. I consume a lot of info from photographer's blog, e-book, books and I'm often on the internet analyzing other photographer's work, trying to understand the story, the lighthing choices, the composition, the feeling and why my eyes like this photograph more than an other.

I have so much to learn. I'd like to be faster, to create more, to get easily what I invision before - which is not often the case right now. I want to be better and that's why I'm doing this 365. Like they say, it's not the destination, it's the journey that count.

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