
By Norm

Out and about

We came home from hospital on Sunday and were intending to spend the week at home. However, it didn't quite work out like that as we had to go to Amesbury to see a midwife who is a specialist in cutting baby's tongue-ties. As Ted has been having some trouble feeding we thought this should be done as soon as possible.

Although it sounds awful, it was a very quick and simple procedure and Ted barely even woke up... I on the other hand was a nervous wreck!

After it was done we walked into town to get something from Boots and Rob got to experience first-hand the pulling-power of carrying a young baby... Women were flocking round him, it was hilarious! Ted was particularly angelic, in his new doggy baby-gro, and was cooed over by ladies in every shop. Consequently the trip took rather longer than we had intended..!

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