Camden, Maine

The day started off  overcast and foggy, but as I travelled north and east the skies opened up to a beautiful late summer day in New England.  After a longer than expected, but well worth it drive ,a gorgeous afternoon before us, I met the lovely Paula Banks-Roberts (Subjunctive) and her charming husband for a sail around Penobscot Bay.  The weather was perfect for sailing, the views spectacular and after following each other for most of two years it was like we had already met and shared some of the intimate details of our lives.  Yet another cheer for the Blip community and how relationships can be formed so simply and unassumingly.  A drive up to a nearby mountain and a wonderful dinner of lobster, of course, and then time to say goodbye.   Oh, and I did get to meet the two endearing "girls" Soleil and Arwen and they are just as beautiful and sweet as their many photos!

See the extra - I don't like posing my subjects.

I'm a bit late and have not commented as the internet is painfully slow.  It is now 5:44 a.m. and there is at least a possibility of this working.  

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