Things that make you go hmmmmn!

We've spent a lovely few hours at my sisters this afternoon.
It's amazing how fast kids change in such a short space of time.

Theo's vocabulary has really come on and he's learning to count now, though most things are either four or ten! He's also mastered the iPad, it's crazy to see how someone so young can work technology so easily. He obviously takes after his aunty as he spent a good few minutes taking selfies with the camera! What a little poser haha.

Theia has grown, she's heavier than before.
She's very observant; you can see her studying you. This frowny face made me laugh, it was like she couldn't quite work out who I was.

She watches Theo like a hawk, her little eyes follow him around the room. He's really affectionate with her, though he can be a bit rough at times.

I took her a 'bumbo' seat today, a few friends had them for their children and they seem to be a useful thing to help baby sit up unaided. My sister said she's seen them at nursery so was pleased I'd got one for Theia.

She's booked Theia's christening for the 11th of October and has asked me to be godmother again. Of course I said yes!

We are looking forward to takeaway and movie night tonight; all the photos are organised, the map is up to date (we covered a total of 1986 miles on the road, I've no idea how many more on foot) and the videos are ready to play.

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