The North Coast (Day 137)

It seems autumn has arrived. The trees in the garden are shedding leaves. The morning wander up the hill with the dogs was a little colder than of late, though there was no breeze. The sky was that iron grey colour that tells you rain isn't far away.
I had to collect bits first thing this morning, before heading to a job in Stromness which took way longer than anticipated. From there I trundled to Birsay in the drizzle after having been eaten alive by midges whilst I loaded the van.
My plan for the afternoon was scrapped when I found that the flooring contractor screeded the floor this morning, meaning I can't work on the bathroom re-fit until tomorrow. The screed was supposed to be done on Friday.
I trundled to the car park at the Broch to get a shot looking east along the coast, then home to wrestle with heat loss calculations.
I am looking forward to an evening of relaxation with Mrs P

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