A Working Monday

As it is my free day and I decided not to go to work, I was able to sleep out a bit.  I did, however, decide to work ... at home, that is.  That face-like figure you see on the screen is actually part of my log-in page, the part that shows my schedule this week.  Of course, my schedule won't change for the entire quarter, but the classrooms might be different week to week, so it's best to check.  Looking at the sched only takes 30 seconds, though.  The rest of the time I updated online the notes out of my recent coaching interviews and checked if my student lists had been modified, corrected some essays, answered some mail, and worked on the exercises for my remedial class tomorrow.  The book you see there, dealing with business English, is one I co-wrote and edited last year.  The previous author passed away two years ago but her name still appears on the cover because she wrote the original version.  As the new author, though, my name also appears on the cover, and I'm now conveniently using it for exercises.  The programme I am a part of at school doesn't have to use this book because we have our own readers, so that means I can use the exercises without having to worry that the students might practice beforehand.  Should the book get published a third time, my name will then be the only one.  That won't be for quite some time yet.

In between all of that, I did the usual dishes, gamed a bit, and continued with some of the romantic videos I started in the weekend.  Hubby's day went a lot simpler -- the physio early in the afternoon, cooking dinner later in the afternoon, bridge in Breda in the evening.

Ellaphant (feeling romantically silly):  'How did you feel when I said yes?'
Hubby (pragmatic, as usual):  'I felt okay and was glad I didn't make a fool of myself.'
Hahahahaha! ... so much for romance ... *snort snort snort*

PS.  Looks like I somehow participated again with MonoMonday, although not with a grunge shot.

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