This life thing...

By mrpin


The day finally arrived. After weeks of packing, organizing, stressing and finishing everything after three and a half years in Busan, today was the day I left.

Without a darkroom, developer and fixer to produce the 'usual' image I exposed a piece of paper in the taxi to the station. Devastated. Not because I won't see my friends and colleagues again - I will, but in such a tight knit community to not see members of this dysfunctional extended family everyday from now on means something (=a lot).

As I leaked water out of my ducts the biggest loss felt like the chance to do more, learn more and expand on the good things that have come about over the past few years. This has been a job where everyday I've been paid to teach, but came away learning more too - what a privilege.

I had the honor of Shawn making the speech about me to the gathered staff at the end of day celebrations. Possibly the best speech I've ever heard - a poem. From this urban rhymer/dad/husband/maths teacher holding his pad with a slightly shaking hand it was a great parting gift.

Some say Andy,
Others Brown,
To me he's known,
As the artist in town.
Stencils, pencils, crayons, clay,
needles for stiching,
his favorite foreplay.
Patterns, tones and,
Contrasting hues,
Plaster, hammer and
chisel will do.
Bottles, brushes, a very
Sharp blade,
To the artist in town,
They're tools of his trade.

When stiching the Queen,
Or working with tape,
The artist is focussed,
Intentions are great.
His clothes never clean,
Dust everywhere,
His office in shambles,
Paint in his hair.
No time for planning,
Don't spoil the fun,
Live for the moment,
When all is said and done.

Chocolate for breakfast,
Then morning tea,
The arist in town,
Who lives by the sea.
But not for long,
The artist's song,
One piece to the next,
It's time to move on.
And so I ask that all,
Raise their glass,
No time to dwell
To the artist, farewell.

A pleasure to meet you,
Andy Brown I must say,
Soon up in Seoul we'll party some day.
Until that time comes,
I wish you the best
You live in my heart,
Right here in my chest.

Busan will always be a special place to me, from 5th January 2009 it's been home. The excitement of the new was just for today mixed with the sadness of the past. A great, great time, and a big thanks to all.

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