Almost Folded

A minor setback with the new gear today.

Testing out the environment I'll shortly being do a series of headshot in, I discovered that the wireless flash wasn't willing to work wirelessly. A detrimental issue considering that takes up pretty much half of its job.

It looks like I have identified the problem however, and I think the culprit is the ambient light in the room. My flash triggers by detecting the on camera flash firing (and does clever timing of shutter to perform the correct flash sync) however, the room has roughly 4 million fluorescent lights in it and I think the sensor is having trouble detecting the flash. "No problem" I hear you say, "just turn off the room lights". Good idea - if they weren't activated by movement sensors with no switch. Perfect.

I may have found a solution but I will have to wait until the shoot to properly test it out. Oh well, these things are sent to test us and I have a contingency plan if all else fails.

Has anyone seen what happens to a flashgun when it gets launched from a 3rd floor window?

Just to explain - today's blip is actually one of the random shots taken whilst trying to get the flash to fire. It's essentially just blurry curtains but I think it has an oddly satisfying ethereal texture to it.


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