What. No custard!

This might well be the last picking of blackberries for the season.  But we cannot complain, we’ve done well in the past few weeks and gathered in plenty to contribute towards our five a day.
Rain in the past few days hasn’t helped, and I’ve noticed the blackberries still on the bushes are noticeably smaller than they were just a week ago. And not nearly as sweet and juicy.
I guess we are fortunate in having a number of places nearby where we can pick the fruit , including our own garden, where they haven’t been contaminated by roadside dust and grime.
Of course we wash them thoroughly under running water before cooking with sliced apple, But I always try to avoid those berries growing at the roadside.
Yet it has to be said that we have enjoyed fruit as  dessert for our evening meal rather more frequently than usual over the past few weeks. To the extent that I have had  to make last minute trips to the convenience store to buy custard.

Well blackberry and apple is never the same without custard!

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