
Still can't face putting the laptop on but did manage a little iPhone photo cropping of this poppy seedhead.

The day started bad & didn't improve much. Stella had a seizure before 7am and because it was raining so hard I made myself go get her in which of cause made me dizzy & knackered.

Got us dry, settled her down & went back to bed but have been feeling groggy with earache all day.

Got a little upset earlier when some insensitive local "friends" were boasting about their fabulous/lovely/fantastic/awesome coffee meeting. I know I couldn't have gone out anyway with my illness but not one of them has even bothered to ask how I am let alone if I need anything over the last couple of weeks.

It's like I'm not in their in-crowd anymore & I'm torn between thinking it's because I'm not a cool city centre dweller or, like Lauren in Big Brother, thinking nobody likes me :(

Anyway, enough of my self-pity! Tomorrow's another day. I'm determined to feel well enough for a walk & remember there's thousands of people worse off.

Today's achievement: reading a little more of my book instead of watching Jeremy Kyle! ;)

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