Exmouth to Sidmouth

13 miles walked....................................in the pouring rain!

We've never done such a wet walk. When we got to 'Budleigh Salterton' Ann realised that her walking boots were NOT waterproof?! She kept wittering on to me that she had 'trench foot'! Honestly; she can be such a drama queen at times! I'd been soaked through to my skin after the first 10 mins of this walk?! Having said that; when she took off her walking boots she did actually have to wring out her socks??!!

.......................And this is what she does for enjoyment??!!

Tonight we are not going out. We are in a lovely B&B in Sidmouth. I have had my dinner and am now lying snoozing on my travel duvet.

We went to the 'Co-op' when we arrived back in Sidmouth. Ann made me sit outside in the rain, while she went inside, and bought a ham & cheese sandwich, packet of crisps, bottle of wine and some diet coke. That is going to be Ann's dinner tonight?! Who needs '5 a day' when they have walked 13 miles in the rain?!

Anyway, both of us have been 'chillaxing' on our beds for the last hour. I'm happy to 'chillax' for the rest of the evening but Ann has just tried to move. She has a 'very sore' left leg. It feels like 'shin splints' which she used to get 20 years ago when she was obsessed with aerobics?! But the pain has moved down to her foot and up to her thigh??!! She has no painkillers so is hoping a bottle of wine will anesthetise the pain.

It's still chucking it down with rain. So, it's time for Ann to open the wine and we're going to spend the evening catching up with all the 'soaps'?!

Back home tomorrow so will catch up with all you lovely 'Blippers' then. xx

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