The Grey Panther

See that groove running right up the middle of that cliff? That is a route called 'Grey Panther'. It is classed as an 'E1, 5b' which basically means 'ludicrously difficult'. There are not many hand holds, nor places to put your feet. So to climb it you have to jam your hand in a vertical crack, pull yourself up and then press your feet off the walls of the groove. All the way up. All forty meters.

That is after abseiling down to the bottom.

I was encouraged to try it whilst secured by a rope from the top, and astonished myself by getting to the top with no falls and two rest stops.

The figure you see in the Blip is leading it. That means there is no rope above him, he is protecting himself as he climbs by putting gear in the cracks he finds as he climbs and clipping the rope on.

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