Sweets for my sweets

I had to bring something back for my Barrowford beauts, sweets were the only option.

To avoid arguments, I've shared them all out equally, with the exact same type and number of sweets in each packet. This didn't stop Big D from asking which packet had the most in!

Naomi (who got me the Tiffany cake for my birthday) had asked me to bring her something back from Tiffany's; I got her a bag! Of course I couldn't just give her an empty bag so there's a little sweet treat in there for her too.

I know......I work with teeth etc etc and this lot are the worst of the bunch for eating sweeties, yet all have fabulous teeth, so I'm not overly concerned about cavities.

I had a good morning at work; a hug and kiss off an elderly lady who was really nervous but said I'd given her faith to come again (she told me some horror stories about the 'school dentist') and another lady who possibly would have hugged me if she'd been that way inclined, but instead left glowing feedback at reception.

Happy hump day :-)

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