
By KimChristie

A New Skyline

View in LARGE!
Oslo is being re-developed. They are taking what was once an industrial area and transforming it into a modern fresh waterfront development. Many are against it, saying all the highrises (which relatively speaking are not that high) are blocking the view of the pre-existing building behind. Into these new building (not these specific ones you see here) they are rehousing things such as the National Gallery, the National Library, The Munch Museum etc and a few years ago they built a brand new Opera House. Not my favourite building to be honest and I think they could have built something more inspirational, but it is meant to be reminiscent of an iceberg. Oh well, i suppose it does get cold in Norway!!!
Anyway, I was a little inspired to yesterday by Noodle888´s entry as one of the buildings in this group is not dissimilar to her shot. I have been meaning to get a shot this for sometime, but I am rarely in this part of town really so I had to go there on purpose so to speak.
Anyhoo, there you have it, part of the new, ever changing Oslo (waterfront) skyline.

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