
By littleblips


We met Mack at the vet. The cranky cat needed vaccinating and Mack was waiting or recovering in the vet's yard. The little one had a nice chat to him.

My hairdresser could be mates with Max Ellis. He's a gym junkie, and a pretty Germanic one. Usually, his open-shirt-over-a tank-top is stretched almost to breaking point. Today, he had explosions going on at each tattooed bicep. His wife should really take him shopping cos those shirts are tearing at every seam. I probably shouldn't encourage him, but told him he is MUCH bigger than when I saw him two cuts ago. Smile. Eating more. Bulking up. Starting to compete next year. Pleased. But then he told me about the bub-on-the-way and the really big smiling began, inbetween chin tickles for my own little miss. Don't you love a bloke that's eager to meet his kid. He's taking two months off to welcome this much-awaited arrival. I wish them every happiness! 

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