Pink Bicycle Girl

By angelahen

The incident with the dog!

Ok the title does not match my day, and it certainly ended much better than it started.

It rained all night, or so it seemed. There was a lot of standing water this morning on my bike ride into school. I went down an underpass and where I thought was shallow standing water it was blooming deep! The spray covered me - I was drenched from the thighs down. So this was a good start!

Then when nearly at school I spotted two girls from the nearby secondary school being harassed by a rottweiler. They were both getting really scared and the dog was jumping up at them.I had to stop and help them. I managed to calm them down and after a bit of a battle stop the dog following them - but then he turned his over amorous attention on me. I phoned 999 but they said phone the RSPCA. By which time the dog was getting quite excited and starting to growl. When you have one of these dogs standing on its hind legs looking into your eyes its a bit scary. Luckily my night in shining armour was going past and stopped to assist. Actually it was a Dad at our school on his Mums mobility scooter. Anyway he could tell I was starting to get a bit distressed with the unwelcome advances of this big brute. He agreed with my suggestion that I leave him with the dog and I go to school and get them to phone the RSPCA. Phew. I arrived shaking and dripping wet as it was still raining. Fortunately my day at school day was much better than this start.

This evening I met Louis in town and we went and bought his suit for the prom after first having a coffee. I was really choked when I saw him in the one we eventually bought. OMG he is growing up. The very helpful lady in M&S was not impressed when I said he was going to wear his trainers with his suit! I have been really impressed that I have got him in a suit!!

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