Mirrored Infinity Abstract

I have spent the day as a room warden at Waddesdon Manor.  It was busy today with several coachloads of visitors plus the usual individuals.  Some excitement when a bat was discovered in one of the rooms crawling along the carpet - a sweet little pipistrelle which probably lives there somewhere - it's so tiny it would never be seen normally.  As they are a protected species we had to get one of the staff to come and move it.

One of the rooms I was in today is known as the Green Boudoir.  Beautifully decorated paneling and a couple of wonderful mirrors facing each other which, of course lead to infinity.  It's impossible to photograph them without the photographer also going to infinity...  I had my camera with me and the first part of the day is always quiet upstairs whilst the first visitors filter through from the ground floor.  I had a bit of time to explore a few more of the artifacts.  

I was going to just pop a part of the the mirror as my Abstract but then mirrored it in Photoshop - here the bottom quadrant is the original shot duplicated to give this image.  Quite effective!

B4YUU awarded the hearts yesterday for MonoMonday, and next week's theme will be PAST although, of course taken in the present!  the tag will be mm87

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