Haringvliet Sunset

After 2 -- read: TWO -- hours of sitting out the traffic jams, this isn't a bad reward, I think ... and it was shot blindly while driving on the Haringvliet viaduct through the open window on the passenger side at about 120 kph.

Still having fun at work.  Today, we had three hours of presentations.  It was an international group -- one Ugandan, one Russian, one Finn, one Pole, one Irishman, one Bosnian, one Ghanaian, one Dutch ... and, of course, one Filipina.  Five did their first presentations -- the one from Uganda described his country enough to make us think of visiting, the Finn shared all he could about Finland, the Irishman introduced us to Guinness (complete with sampling and a short quiz with reward), the Russian explained the technicalities of field hockey, and the Dutchman taught us how to smell and sample three kinds of wine:  rosé, red and white, also capped with a short quiz and reward.  The beauty of it all was that none of them was allowed to use PowerPoint.

Still in romantic (read:  second childhood) mode.

Still have to do the dishes.

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