Why do we do it?

We don't do it for the pay.
We don't do it for the pension.
We don't do it for the holidays.

We do it because it is a priviledge.
We do it because it makes us proud.
We do it because there is nothing more amazing than seeing talent come alive.
We do it because we care.
We do it because young people have a right to have the doors opened for them and we are the people that can help them to open those doors.

Yep, some days teaching can be a shocker. But then there are days like today that involve a full evening at school, the culmination of months of hard work behind the scenes by fellow colleagues and the students and the presentation of an amazing show with wonderfully talented singers, musicians, actors and actresses, dancers and technicians in lighting.

I am proud to work with you - students and adults alike. You make my day :-)

Jamming with celery...be patient and watch out for the cat!

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