The disappearing evening

Over the dyke, through the fence, across the Flow and, after some decent sunshine, the showers are chasing the sun into its bed.  I spent the early part of the day at the Heddle Quarry ordering a slab of stone for in front of the new stove. 

We received visitors in the afternoon and luckily CMC had just made a batch of buns.   CMC was busy running around doing last minute packing as she was away to catch the Hamnavoe to Scrabster.  She is away on a girls’ weekend to Inversnecky (I have the bail money ready).  She is then driving down to Aberdeen; she will visit one sister on the way in Huntly and another in Aberdeen.  Unfortunately her sister in Aberdeen is really struggling with her health at the moment.

CMC is then coming north on the boat on Tuesday night.  I therefore have to see to all stock: Baz and Harry, two kittens who are being fostered, Maisie and Daisy (they have homes to go to next week).  Two sheep and seven kye.  I’m also feeding the neighbours’ cat whilst they are away. 

Right, where’s that recipe book ?  No, what am I thinking, where’s that frying pan ?

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