Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


I took the morning off work as Chris & Nigel were coming to take us out to Bettys for Brunch, Chris has been dearest's BBF (hate that term) for thirty odd years ever since my wife took her on in a sales roll in medical health equipment overriding her then boss who just couldn't see the potential. We went to her wedding to Nigel in 1995 & have watched them & their combined offspring (he has three boys, she a boy & a girl) mature over the years, both now retired from high pressure jobs (Nigel is a orthopaedic surgeon) they are intent on seeing the world to the full (off up the Amazon in February).
They were due to stay with us for a few days this week but due to my wife ill health over the past month she didn't think she would make the finest of hostesses & had asked them if we could rearrange the visit, in theory fine but they were also meeting some cruising buddy (never quite fancied a life on the ocean waves myself) in Idle for the weekend so were always going to be in the area (the reside in Winchester).
This story is starting to ramble so surfice to say three full english, one smoked salmon omelet & a gallon of Yorkshires finest got the day off to a good start.
After work I did a bit of hospital visiting, my charges have had a busy week falling over and four ended up in Airedale, thankfully all are making a good recovery and should be back home soon.

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