Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Camel Cricket

This chap was on the dining room floor this afternoon, so I scooped him up and put him out. But then I looked at him standing there on the bricks out back and thought - hmmm... and popped out with the camera to capture him for posterity. I have processed the photo a bit, obviously.

Curious looking things they are. Some people call them Camel Crickets, some call them Camelback Crickets, or Spider Crickets, or... apparently, even Sprickets! They are completely harmless, but somewhat annoying when they fetch up in the bathrooms at this time of the year. Mostly I feel badly about it when the cats get them, or when I step on them accidentally.

It being Friday, the extra is a young squirrel that is one of a goodly number of them that are growing up at The Wildlife Center right now. I don't think it's the one I blipped several weeks ago. I'm not sure what became of that one. Once they leave the vet area of the hospital and go to rehab, I completely loose track.

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