a simple petal...

...in purple royal

there was just something - which struck me - seeing a lone petal falling - to the floor off of - dying flower today - it was peaceful - there was a delicate line to it - the color was still fairly - vibrant and luscious since it had - just come from the flower itself - but there it lay - on my floor - alone, now independent of the other petals - on its own, to fend for itself - no one to look after it - to care for it - i found myself growing sad - thinking there are some humans - who chose to live a life of isolation - like this when they could easily - allow someone into their lives

perhaps you know someone - a person you could reach out to - who wouldn't need to feel alone - a person you could look after - with a nod of your head - or a smile on your face - something little to make them feel as - though they belong - are a part of the other petals around them - so they could experience...


happy day.....

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