Mr John

By MrJohn

Post race .....

..... cake

This evening I have run in the fourth of this years Harrogate Summer Road League races in Northallerton. The course was about 10k and mainly on road ( my prefered running surface ). Once again I ran with my current race partner Alison, I feel all the recent training I've been doing is starting to pay off as I found the race relativley easy. I didn't overly push myself and kept just in front of Alison pushing her pace as much as I could without going too far ahead. For the last mile Alison wanted to finish at her own speed, so I had a nice sprint. It's a strange feeling overtaking so many runners in the last mile of a race, not something I'm used to doing. Next Thursday is the last proper race in the Summer leugue and I think I may just go all out see how fast I can go.

The photo today is of three of the cake tables that were part of the post race spread ( there were two more tables of cakes behind where I was stood when I took this shot ). As well as cake there were award winning pork pies, sausage rolls, loads of sandwiches and most importantly chips all washed down with a pint.

Although the race was fun and the post race food good, the highlight of my day has to be the package I recieved in the post this afternoon. The postwoman knocked at the door with a package for me to sign for, she was drenched and the bit of paper to sign was soggy and limp, luckily the package had been kept nice and dry in her push along post cart. In the package were three lovely gifts each individualy wrapped in black tissue paper....

1: A solar powered swaying flower ( a reference to a tree with a wagging tail, to long an explanation to write here )

2: As I had mentioned on Tuesdays blip about being invited to join a group of Morris dancers, I recieved a finger bell to start off my Morris dancing outfit ( I'm glad there was an expination as to what it was as at first I thought it might be for another appendage ;-) )

3: And last but by no means least the best and most thoughtful gift I think I have recieved in years. A personalised instruction manual for my new camera, with a front cover made up of images from my blips and a preface of instructions that made me laugh. It must have taken ages to put together and is the nicest thing anyone has done for me in a long while.

Thank you strange girly, you've made my day, week, month and most likely year.
I can't do the gifts justice with my photography skills tonight, so today's blip is.....

..... Post race cake

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