Journey Through Time

By Sue

The Song Sparrow

Some of my better bird photos have been of these plain little song sparrows.  We have several who make the back wooded area their year 'round home and so I've often been able to get a fairly decent photo of them.  They aren't quite as flighty as some of the birds.  

Today I worked on my Physical Therapy for my bummed up shoulder and I did some house work and I found a few new bits of information to include in my family tree.  I have more exercises to do for my PT, and trying to get them in 3 times a day will take some discipline on my part. I would like to get my shoulder back to where it is supposed to be and not have it partly out of commission.  Go stand in front of a wall and put your arms up as high as you can on the wall.  One of my arms will do that perfectly well...but the other one isn't at all happy about that.  It's very weird and I've never had anything like this before.  I do find the PT sessions rather interesting.  We are hopeful that with a continued and disciplined program of exercises, I should regain the full range of motion of my left arm.  I hope.  Okay, enough about THAT.

Tomorrow Bill and I are going out to dinner to celebrate 45 years of marriage.  Imagine that.  

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