
By Croft16

Tricolour Pansy..

..I took a picture of this pansy nearly 7 weeks ago (9th August), and it's still flowering away. Tanni and me walk out round the chicken run, and onto the hill where my bench is. We sit and contemplate what we're going to do for the day, weeding, or harvest, or sow, or mow, or.. And I walk past this little flower tucked in among the grasses. And I always smile when I see it..

Walked down the croft with Tanni later, and harvested a sample tray of salads for the hotel. The new owners will try it out, and maybe put in an order next year! Then on round the villages to L's to deliver his eggs. He would have had them last night, but I sold them to some campers that were in the hotel. Then on to P&G's to deliver theirs, and back round by the duckpond, campsite, and beach road to our croft.

Spent the afternoon in the tunnel, tidying up a bit and clearing out ready to sow some late salads to overwinter. Or if they grow too much to harvest late autumn..

Forgot to say the geese flew back yesterday, I saw several skeins flying south over the village. I also saw a Sea Eagle as i walked back today. It was huge and ably fitted the description of "a flying barn door"..

Mostly grey but no rain today. I think the forecast is for a few good dry days next week, so should get the tatties in. It's feeling very autumnal now, and the nights are fast drawing in..

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